June 25, 2021 the International educational online exhibition "Education in Belarus-2021" in Indonesia has finished. The online exhibition was organized by the Centre for International Relations together with the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Indonesia, as well as with the support of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. The online exhibition was held on the platform
https://edubel.by/indonesia from 23 to 25 June, 2021.
The online exhibition in the Republic of Indonesia was aimed at promoting educational services of Belarusian higher education institutions, increasing the attractiveness of the Education in Belarus brand for foreign citizens, as well as attracting foreign citizens to study at higher education institutions of the Republic of Belarus.
In the context of the pandemic, foreign applicants had a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the educational potential of higher education institutions of the Republic of Belarus remotely, choose a bachelor's, master's or postgraduate program, refresher courses, summer educational programs, Russian language courses, as well as personally communicate with representatives of universities, get individual advice from specialists of the Centre for International Relations on the conditions of admission, training and staying in the Republic of Belarus.
As a result of the event, the online exhibition was attended by over 1200 foreign citizens from Indonesia and other countries of the world.
The online exhibition aroused great interest from the media and the Indonesian population.
https://www.balipost.com/news/2021/06/16/198416/Pendidikan-Internasional-di-Indonesia-Education...html http://metroterkini.com/news/detail/53682/internasional/nondaerah/pendidikan-internasional-di-indonesia-education-in-belarus2021