About Belarus
Territory: 207,600 km2
Population: 9,480 900
Population density: 46 persons / km2
Capital: Minsk, population: 1,938 200
Language: Belarusian, Russian
Time zone: UTC+3
Structure of the State: Presidential republic
Religion: Christianity, Judaism, Islam
National currency: Belarusian ruble (BYN)
Internet domain: BY
Phone code: +375
Climate: Moderately continental
Belarus is situated in the east of Europe. Borders on Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Lithuania and Latvia. The territory of Belarus is 207 000 km2. It is the 84th country by the size of the territory in the world. The population of Belarus is about 10 million people that corresponds to the 93rd place in the world. A large part of territory in Belarus is occupied by the woods, rivers and lakes. That's why our country is called "The lungs of Europe".

Belarus is famous for various medical resorts, national parks, historic castles, wherever you look, our beautiful, small country has only advantages. Besides the impressive, modern and actively developing Minsk, other cities also will pleasantly surprise and open such wonderful Belarusian world for guests.

One of the main advantages of Belarus – its immense woods. 40% of the territory of Belarus consist of woods, which are represented by the the green strip on the Belarusian flag. There is the National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" in Belarus, the biggest and oldest wood in Europe where the biggest animal of Europe - a bison lives.

Belarus is very careful about the historical heritage. Many castles and churches are restored here, the whole state program on the reconstruction of historical heritage functions. The Belarusian city of Polotsk is considered to be the geographical center of Europe. In honor of it, the monument is established in this ancient city.

Nobody will be bored in our great country – whether it will be leisure activities with sightseeing and visiting of memorable places, which there are so many in Belarus, or calm walks in surroundings of the cities and villages – the pleasure is guaranteed anyway. Peaceful and good-natured Belarusians are glad to open and show the great country to each guest.
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